My Podium

Monday, March 19, 2007

The abused siren

I joined the "anti toll" protest yesterday. What really pissed me off this time is the fact that the police was trying to prevent people from listening to the speech by the leaders of the protestors. The police was using their siren alarm and blasted full volume to prevent people from listening to the voices of the speakers. This was weird and deplorable because, it was clear that the police was taking side in this issue.

It is not in the interest of public order for police to prevent people from listening to dissenting voices. It is even beyond their duty to do so. If our police force is truely professionals, then they should focus their limited resources in maintaining public order, instead of getting too much involved and taking side in the tussle of divided public opinion.

But the Malaysian police force has been assumed to be the guardian of the ruling party, more than being the guarding of the public order. If this doesn't change, it won't take too long before the public would consider our police force as "untrustworhty" element in our society. Without public trust, police would be reduced to mere thugs....and in civil society, that spells disaster!

Again, I've no grudge against our policemen. In fact, I acknowledge their sacrifices all these while. But then, what has gone wrong should be pointed out and corrected. After all, not only that it is our rights, but alsoour duties.


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