My Podium

Friday, October 09, 2009

The treason of corrupt minds



If I were a Palestinian, I will be as mad as mad could be. We have a very credible report called the Goldstone report incriminating Israel for a war crime and a crime against huminity during the Gaza offensive early this year in which more than a thousand died, majority of whom were civilians. The report was prepared by a committee assigned by the UN and led by a respected judge from South Africa which is of Jewish origin.


Last Friday, the UN Human Right Council was supposed to vote endorsing the report for further UN action after it was proposed by Qatar, representing all the Arab countries. The vote was eventually delayed by the request of none other than the Palestinian Authority (PA) itself. This request coming from PA stunned everyone.


It was later revealed that the PA requested the delay because Israel had threatened PA to reveal the content of recorded tapes which proved that the PA was in full complicity in the Israel’s Gaza offensive. A recorded teleconversation tells that a high ranking officer from Mahmoud Abbas’ office had encouraged Israelis to punish Gazans. The Secretary General of the PA President, Tayyib Abdul Rahim told Dov Weissglas, the Israeli Director of Chief of Staff Bureau, to start conquering Jabaliyya and Al-Shatea refugee camps which in his opinion “could finish off Hamas”. Even Weissglass initially hesitated with such recommendation citing the possible high casualties on the part of civilians. Tayyib Abdul Rahim was quoted as saying, "They have all elected Hamas, so they are the ones who have chosen their fate, not us."


Also, there was a video tape showing Mahmoud Abbas meeting Ehud Barak trying to persuade the Israeli to continue offensive in Gaza to “finish off Hamas”.


Hamas in an immediate response has called Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian citizenship be stripped off. This is in fact a very moderate response from Hamas. In many other countries, Mahmoud Abbas could have faced high treason charge which may end up putting him in gallows.





Earth quakes seldom kill. Buildings do most of the killings during earth quakes. Thousands people died in Padang, Indonesia after an earth quake last week. Last year, 80,000 perished when earth quake stroke in Sichuan, China.


We can’t stopped earth quakes. We can’t even predict when they would strike. But, certainly we could limit the damages to certain level.


The casualties could have been much lower had the buildings been constructed robust enough to stand an earth quake of that scale. I think, it should be made legally binding for building constructed in areas affected by earth quake to be able to stand earth quake of more than 8.5 in Richter scale.


Technology to replace and construct the existing buildings should be made viable and affordable enough for countries to take up extensive efforts to replace old buildings and construct new ones which can stand earth quake. If it necessitates us, for example, to statutorily limit the height of the bulding in certain areas, then do so.


Time is high for this kind of measures be taken by the UN to save more lives in the future. It is already predicted that if Istanbul is shaken by another big quake, hundreds of thousands could perished. Why should we just wait for such calamities to happen?




I believe, every citizen has the responsibility to uplift the standard of national politics from all political divides. Politics has failed us in many aspects of our lives. And yet, it is a sin to abandon politics in its filthy state. We must be determined enough to chart a permanent change of our nation’s political course.


Malaysian politics has suffered from insufficient integrity and honesty for already long time.


Voting for corrupt politicians is an act of treason against a nation. Any political party who dares to insult the nation by fielding corrupt candidates to run for offices must be punished mercilessly.


The great Ottoman Empire was brought down from prestigious power by her very own corrupt officers. Corrupt people take offices and appoint corruptible cohorts.  It won’t be long before these cohorts take control of everything and spoil the state’s apparatus too. There is no more a need to talk the eventuality when this happens. The writing is on the wall.


To all voters in Bagan Pinang. Please don’t give corruption a chance!


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