My Podium

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Islam against theocracy

Below is my letter as it appeared in M’siakini ( on 26th June. The original title that I sent to the editor was “PAS against theocracy”. Unfortunately, the editor changed the title to something not to my liking. Anyway, just sharing…!

Islam, secularism do share common grounds
Abu Mubarak Jun 26, 08 4:26pm

I refer to the letter The future of PAS.
The writer’s argument lacks certain fundamental insights about the party he was writing about.
Establishing a theocratic state has never been on PAS agenda. In fact, PAS categorically rejects theocracy. This is rather evident had the writer made more efforts to get clarification from PAS leaders directly, instead of relying on third party’s assertions.
PAS commitment towards democracy and its acceptance of the multi-cultural reality of our society can never be questioned. It is PAS belief that Islam is not, in any way, contradictory to the general idea of democracy and multi-culturalism. Islam is merely a ‘product’ that PAS intends to sell within our democratic space and multi-cultural society.
PAS does not believe that democracy belongs exclusively to secularism, as secularism too, in reality, is an ‘ideological product’ that competes within the same democratic space and multi- cultural society.
In fact, the multi-cultural reality in our country has only bolstered PAS’ determination to position itself in mainstream politics to promote Islam as its ‘product’ within our democratic and plural society. Unarguably, at the end of the day, it is the people who will make the ultimate choice on this ‘product’ that better befits their values, beliefs and aspirations.
Saying that Islam and secularism are competing ‘products’ does not mean that both are mutually exclusive and perfectly dichotomised. There are still many areas in which Islam and secularism share common grounds, and PAS believes that there is nothing in Islam that prohibits it in collaborating to enhance these shared interests. Simply put it, competition does not mean enmity.
The future of PAS, I believe, lies in its ability to convince the general public that Islam as a democratic political product is able to enhance the people’s ability to attain happiness in relation to the state’s conduct.
Happiness could be attained when people are able to live up to their values, beliefs and aspirations. At least, people’s values, beliefs and aspirations must not be grossly undermined by the state’s conduct.
In reality, I agree that PAS has still a long way to go before it can claim that it has attained this objective. However, one cannot deny that the party has gone through a series of reforms and alignments to position itself towards achieving this goal, both in terms of its value judgment as well as its empirical judgment.
The March 8 general election results would place PAS in more pressing position to articulate its message more effectively.
However, I don’t forecast that PAS would face serious conflict between its values and empirical judgments as noted in the above letter.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Gaza Truce

The truce (hudna) between the Israelis and Hamas, mediated by the Egyptian authority, finally came into effect on 19 June. A few hours before the truce officially started, both sides launched series of deadly attacked against the other causing death and injuries on both sides.

The truce is a political win for Hamas as it provides much awaited relief for the besieged Gazans. The Egyptians have the responsibility to take the initiatives in creating calm in the region. Not many people in this world would stand seeing other humans slowly dying out of hunger and diseases, in front of their eyes. Neither would the majority of the Egyptians close their hearts to their suffering Gazans neighbors.

The Egyptian government has only two choices with regards to the situation in Gaza; help to lighten the Gaza siege or face domestic political fallout. The latter would seem more grave for both the Israelis and Egyptian government. Thus, when the Egyptian went to talk to Israelis, only a simple message would do – accept truce or we have to open Rafah crossing.

Both sides do not believe the truce would hold long. But the side the first breach the truce would pay high price, politically. It is the Israelis that are really looking forward to see the collapse of the truce. As for Hamas, the calm would provide more room for them to win the ground. Not many elected governments in the world could manage hungry population to behave accordingly, and Hamas could be counted as one. Any other elected government could face popular revolt and subsequently fall apart.

Now, Hamas is opening new front to its political progress by initiating national dialogue with its rival Fatah. Fatah is trying to capitalize this talk with Hamas to position itself in a peace talk with the Israelis. The message Fatah is trying to deliver to Israel is – if the Israelis refuse to listen to them, they would talk to Hamas. If Fatah talks to Hamas, it could bring legitimacy to Hamas as a new player in middle east politics. This would also be the last thing Israel would want to happen.

Israel is a very strong country, economically and militarily. But the strength it has built over past decades could only be matched with Palestinians steadfastness.
One needs not to be strong to be steadfast. Let’s pray one day our Palestinian brothers would have both, the strength and steadfastness.