My Podium

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Perak jadi Republik Katak

Tindakan melompat parti bagi menjatuhkan kerajaan sememangnya tidak bermoral. Apa bezanya, projek 16-Sep yang gagal dijayakan oleh Anwar dengan tindakan Najib mengokestrakan kejatuhan kerajaan negeri Perak, ada orang bertanya.

Kedua-duanya tidak bermoral. Pun begitu, Anwar telah berjanji bahawa sekiranya beliau berjaya membentuk kerajaan di peringkat pusat beliau akan membubarkan parlimen sebaik sahaja beberapa akta dapat diluluskan bagi menjamin hak rakyat terpelihara. Diantara akta yang disebut-sebut akan dipinda atau dihapuskan ialah seperti ISA, AUKU, Akta Pilihanraya, Akta Penerbitan & Percetakan, OSA, dan seumpamanya.

Beliau berjanji akan mengembalikan semula kepada rakyat setelah reformasi asas ini berjaya dilaksanakan tanpa perlu menunggu tamat penggal pemerintahan.

Di Perak, Najib tidak ada apa-apa agenda untuk rakyat dan tidak pula nampak sebarang kesediaan untuk mengembalikan kepada rakyat. Yang jelas kelihatan adalah keserakahan, dan keperbudakan politik melampau. Ini politik murahan paling meloyakan di abad ini.

Saya masih boleh terima sekiranya pertukaran parti di kalangan ADUN berlaku secara jujur. Tapi, dalam drama di Perak, tidak ada langsung nampak unsur-unsur "honest defection". Yang kelihatan jelas ialah unsur-unsur "foul play" yang mungkin melibatkan rasuah mahupun ugutan. Kalau inilah yang menjadi asas kepada pembentukan kerajaan BN di Perak, maka kesahan kerajaan ini akan terus dipertikaikan.

Apakah daya...ini adalah pilihan Duli Yang Teramat Mulia Tuanku Sultan. Daulat Tuanku!!!! Sedihnya Aku!!!!

Monday, February 02, 2009

Why did they fire rockets?

In Davos, before PM Erdogan stormed out from the debate, Shimon Perez uttered in a rising emotion these words;

"Why did they fire rockets? There was no siege against Gaza. Why did they fight us? What did they want? There was never a day of starvation in Gaza.” - Shimon Perez in Davos.

By saying the above words, is Perez dumb, deaf or blind?

1) Why did they fire rockets?
- Which one Perez would prefer; erratic Qassam rockets fired into Israeli towns bordering Gaza or highly precision guided long range missiles hitting only millitary installations all over Israel? Had Hamas been allowed to own the latter, Israel could take all the Qassam rockets for free from Hamas and cease to worry about their civilians in the south. But, Israelis want everything for them to gain, and everything for Palestinians to loose. They keep illegal settlements growing in the West Bank, fast encroaching into Palestinian lands, yet they expect no resistance from Palestinians. They expect a quiet and calm occupation. Those who resist would be imprisoned without charge and Israelis expect their families to stay quiet and calm. Israelis procure all the best weapons available on this planet and yet make huge noise when Palestinians smuggle even the most primitif weapons they can afford. Israelis cry for their right for self defense, but deny the same right for the Palestinians. And, Perez, unashamedly ask this question in front of all world dignitaries, “Why did they fire rockets?”. Even a child in Gaza could answer this question in the most articulate manner. How could the word leaders seem so lost?

2) Was there no siege against Gaza?
- Clearly, a murderer cum liar is made a President in Israel. The siege against Gaza is a clear fact which only the insane would dare to argue.

3) Why do Palestinians fight?
- What would Perez do if his home is occupied by force and he is not allowed to return home, and his family imprisoned and killed, and his property destroyed? Would he go to the beach and eat pizza?

4) What do Palestinian want?
- Quite clearly written on the wall – end the occupation, end the seige, release political prisoners, allow the rights of return for refugees.

5) “There was never a day of starvation in Gaza”…really?
- What makes Perez think Gazans deserve to be starved? Do Gazans not suffer enough in the hands of Israelis? Doesn’t it come to Perez mind that these sufferings and anguishes – mainly rooted by Israeli policies - had actually triggered the conflicts in the region.