My Podium

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Teknologi Hijau Untuk Masa Depan


Majalah Discovery keluaran terbaru menerbitkan satu artikel yang begitu menguja minda saya. Ia menyebut tentang geran penyelidikan yang diberikan oleh Kerajaan Amerika Syarikat kepada sebuah syarikat pembekal panel solar bagi menjana tenaga melalui satu projek “Electrical Highway”. Kajian menunjukkan sekiranya permukaan lebuhraya boleh bertindak sebagai panel solar yang akan memproses cahaya matahari menjadi tenaga elektrik, maka jumlah tenaga yang bakal dihasilkan oleh permukaan jaringan lebuhraya di seluruh negara dalam tempoh setahun dengan kadar hanya 15% efficiency sahaja boleh membekal tenaga elektrik kepada seluruh negara selama tiga tahun. Ini bermakna, selain mempunyai bekalan tenaga yang cukup, negara juga boleh menjual dua pertiga dari tenaga yang dihasilkan kepada negara lain. Memandangkan jaringan lebuhraya dan jalanraya mampu sampai kelesuruh pelusuk negara, maka jaringan elektrik pendawaiaan boleh disekalikan dengan jaringan lebuhraya dan jalanraya tanpa perlu kepada “Electrical Power Grid” konvensional. Ini sekaligus mengurangkan “distribution cost” kepada pengguna.

Bukan itu sahaja, sekiranya projek ini berjaya ia akan merevolusikan dunia pengangkutan jalanraya dunia. Dengan tenaga elektrik yang dihasilkan oleh lebuhraya dan jalanraya ini, maka jalanraya boleh “dicahayakan” pada waktu malam sepenuhnya dengan tenaga elektrik yang dihasilkan oleh jaringan jalanraya itu sendiri. Keselamatan jalanraya boleh dipertingkatkan kepada pengguna selain penguatkuasaan dan pemantauan penggunaan jalanraya boleh dibuat secara “realtime” dengan jaringan pengesan (sensors) dan kamera CCTV yang boleh dipasang di sepanjang lebuhraya. Pengguna jalanraya boleh mengetahui keadaan kesesakan lalulintas secara terus melalui sistem ini tanpa menunggu perlu laporan pihak ketiga. Di negara sejuk, sistem pemanas dan pengering juga boleh dipasang bagi mencair dan menyahkan salji atau air hujan secara lebih berkesan disepanjang lebuhraya.

Lebih mengujakan saya ialah prospek terhadap pemuliharaan alam sekitar. Sekiranya lebuhraya dan jalanraya boleh membekalkan tenaga elektrik secara lebih murah dan konsisten kepada kenderaan, tentunya kita boleh mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada penggunaan petrol untuk kenderaan kita. Pengurangan penggunaan “carbon-based fuel” dalam sistem pengangkutan ini pastinya akan memberikan impak besar di dalam usaha pemuliharaan alam sekitar. Industri kenderaan elektrik akan berkembang pesat. Inilah yang saya maksudkan sebagai “Revolusi Dunia Pengangkutan”. Bukankah penyumbang terbesar kepada pencemaran udara dan pemanasan global adaah sektor pengangkutan dan sektor penjanaan tenaga.


Penghasilan solar panel yang boleh menjadi bahan pembinaan lebuhraya yang sekaligus bertindak sebagai penjana tenaga elektrik mempunyai cabaran teknikal yang menarik. Para saintis bahan perlu mencari penyelesaian bagaimana untuk menghasilkan bahan lutsinar yang tahan dan selamat untuk digunakan sebagai permukaan lebuhraya. Dilaporkan bahawa usaha kearah itu sudah hampir berjaya dan teknologi itu akan berada dipasaran dalam beberapa tahun akan datang.

Cabaran seterusnya ialah dari sudut keselamatan penjanaan, penyimpanan, dan pendawaian tenaga elektrik di sepanjang jalanraya yang pastinya terdedah kepada pengguna awam, selain penyalahgunaan dan kecurian oleh pihak-pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab.

Ini akan juga menyebabkan para pekerja pembinaan “jalanraya elektrik” perlu melalui latihan dan mempunyai kemahiran yang lebih berbanding pembinaan jalanraya sekarang kerana kualiti kerja, disiplin, dan pengesahan kerja perlu dibuat secara lebih ketat dan bersistematik.

Dalam kata lain, sebahagian para kontraktor pembinaan perlu bersedia mengubah budaya kerja mereka ataupun mereka perlu bersedia untuk gulung tikar. Melihat kepada kualiti jalanraya yang dibina oleh kontraktor sekarang, saya fikir mereka perlu banyak membuat peningkatan dalam kaedah pengurusan dan budaya kerja mereka.

Saya fikir Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Innovasi, Kementerian Pengangkutan, Kementerian Kerja Raya dan Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi perlu memikirkan secara serius keperluan teknologi ini memandangkan bekalan minyak mentah negara mungkin hanya akan bertahan sikitar 15 hingga 20 tahun lagi.


Bekalan tenaga bukanlah satu-satunya masalah besar yang dihadapi oleh negara-negara maju dan membangun. Penduduk dunia juga dijangka akan menghadapi krisis bekalan air bersih. Lebih-lebih lagi apabila banyak kawasan tadahan air tidak dapat lagi dipertahankan bagi memberi laluan kepada keperluan pembangunan, perumahan, dan pertanian yang semakin mendesak.

Secara logiknya, sekiranya jalanraya boleh digunakan untuk menadah cahaya matahari bagi menghasilkan tenaga elektrik, maka jalanraya yang sama juga boleh digunakan untuk menadah air hujan yang kemudiannya di bersihkan, disimpan, dan disalurkan untuk kegunaan awam. Dalam kata lain, jalanraya boleh dijadikan kawasan tadahan hujan “artificial” bagi membekalkan air kepada pengguna. Ini tentunya amat bermanfaat kepada negara seperti Malaysia yang menerima kadar hujan yang agak tinggi.

Memang kita akui bahawa teknologi panel solar dan “water havesting” sudah lama diamalkan. Bagaimananapun ianya belum sampai ke peringkat “mass commercial” yang boleh memberikan tahap skala ekonomi yang munasabah untuk justifikasi kos bagi melaksanakannya secara komprehensif. Setakat ini kegunaannya terhad kerana kosnya agak kurang kompetitif.

Dengan projek “Electric Highway” dan “Water Havesting Highway” ini, secara tidak langsung akan membawa dua teknologi ini ke peringkat “mass commercial” yang memungkinkan ianya diamalkan secara lebih meluas dengan kos yang munasabah.

Dana permulaannya memang amat besar dan ianya mesti dibiayai seahagian besarnya oleh kerajaan. Tetapi, dari sudut jangka panjang, saya percaya ianya lebih banyak memberi manfaat kepada alam sekitar, kualiti hidup rakyat, dan juga kos kehidupan.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Allah Tuhan Yang Satu.

Orang Melayu ramai yg beranggapan bahawa Kristian & Yahudi menyembah tuhan yang lain dari tuhan yang disembah orang Islam. Anggapan ini adalah salah. Hakikatnya, sepertimana yang dijelaskan oleh Al-Quran, Kristian dan Yahudi menyembah tuhan yang sama dengan tuhan yang disembah oleh orang Islam. Sebab itu agama mereka disebut sebagai agama samawi atau “Abrahamic”.
Kristian dan Yahudi itu dianggap sesat kerana mereka “MENSYIRIKKAN ALLAH” dan “MENGUBAH HUKUM ALLAH”. Tindakan mereka menolak kerasulan Muhammad SAW juga adalah hasil tindakan mereka mengubah kandungan kitab Allah. Ya! Kitab mereka juga berasal dari Allah, tuhan yang sama yang disembah oleh umat Islam, dan mereka mengubahnya. Tetapi mereka tidak menolak hakikat bahawa kitab asalnya adalah dari Allah jua.
Sekiranya orang Melayu memahami ini, maka mereka akan faham bahawa jika orang Melayu menyembah Allah, tetapi pada masa yang sama MENSYIRIKKAN ALLAH dengan sembahan yang lain (cth: ideologi ciptaan manusia) dan MENGUBAH/MENOLAK sebahagian HUKUM ALLAH, mereka juga adalah sebenarnya sesat seperti sesatnya Kristian dan Yahudi.
Isu kalimah Allah ini seharusnya memberi ksedaran kepada umat Islam bahawa sekadar menyembah Allah sahaja belum cukup untuk menjadi seorang itu Muslim, tetapi yang lebih penting ialah mentauhid dan mengESAkan Allah. Kalimah shahadah yang bermula dengan lafaz “la ilaaha..” jelas memberi penekanan terhadap menolak segala bentuk syirik.
Bagi saya, kalau seluruh agama samawi menggunakan kalimah Allah, ia akan memberi lebih kefahaman kepada umat Islam tentang peri pentingnya menolak SYIRIK dalam segala bentuk yang ada. Orang Melayu akan faham bahawa orang-orang Yahudi dan Kristian menjadi sesat dan kafir bukan kerana mereka mereka tidak percaya kepada kewujudan dan kekuasaan Allah, tetapi kerana mereka mengadakan sekutu-sekutu bagi Allah dalam bentuk pengibadatan dan hukum-hakam kehidupan mereka.
Mengharamkan penggunaan kalimah Allah bagi Kristian atas alasan ia akan mengelirukan umat Islam adalah merupakan satu kekeliruan, seolah-olah konsep Trinity sahaja yang SYIRIK. Padahal SYIRIK itu boleh berlaku dalam pelbagai bentuk. Apa untung umat Islam mengatakan bahawa tuhan mereka tidak sama dengan tuhan agama-agama Samawi yang lain? Bukankah ianya akan lebih mengelirukan umat Islam sendiri tentang ajaran Islam yang sebenar.
Kalau kita mahu mengharamkan kalimah Allah digunakan oleh orang Kristian, maka kita juga seharusnya mengharamkan penggunaan kalimah Allah oleh sesiapa sahaja yang MENSYIRIKKAN ALLAH dan yang menolak HUKUM ALLAH, kerana membenarkan penggunaan kalimah Allah oleh mereka juga mungkin akan mengelirukan umat Islam.
Ada yang berhujjah bahawa penggunaan kalimah Allah oleh orang-orang Kristian akan menyebabkan umat Islam yang kurang ilmu pengetahuan terpengaruh dengan dakyah Kristian dan boleh menjadi murtad. Kalau itulah hujjahnya, maka masalahnya bukanlah soal penggunaan kalimah Allah oleh orang Kristian tetapi sebenarnya ialah kejahilan umat Islam sendiri. Maka, kita mesti mengakui masalah ini secara jujur. “We must call a spade, a spade.”

Kejahilan sebahagian umat Islam tidak boleh diselesaikan dengan mengharamkan penggunaan kalimah Allah oleh penganut Kristian. Ini amat jelas. Tidak pernah berlaku, tidak sekarang,dan tidak juga akan datang. Masalah ini hanya boleh diselesaikan dengan setiap kita mengambil tanggungjawab dakwah dan tarbiyyah secara lebih serius dan bersungguh-sungguh. Tidak mungkin ada jalan pintas lagi.


Majoriti penganut Kristian tidak menggunakan kalimah Allah. Hanya sebahagian kecil sahaja yang menggunakan kalimah Allah. Orang-orang Kristian Arab dan Nusantara adalah termasuk sebahagian kecil yang menggunakan kalimah Allah.

Saya kira tindakan The Herald membawa isu ini ke mahkamah bukanlah tindakan yang bijak di pihak mereka. Mereka tidak ada alasan yang jelas untuk berbuat begitu. Makanya, amat mudah untuk orang berpersepsi negatif apabila ia melakukan sesuatu yang begitu sensitif tanpa alasan yang jelas.

Allah adalah perkataan yang berasal dari bahasa Arab. Ia bukan perkataan Melayu. Kalau mereka mahu menggunakan kalimah Allah, maka seharusnya teks dalam Bahasa Inggeris juga menggunakan kalimah Allah, maka barulah nampak konsisten kalau ianya mahu dikekalkan begitu apabila diterjemahkan kepada Bahasa Melayu atau bahasa apa pun. Tetapi amat tidak munasabah kalau perkataan “God” dalam Bahasa Inggeris menjadi “Allah” dalam Bahasa Melayu, kerana “Allah” itu bukan Bahasa Melayu pun. Terjemahan perkataan “God” dalam Bahasa Melayu adalah “Tuhan”. Itulah yang difahami dan diterima oleh para penterjemah seluruhnya.

Walaupun secara dasarnya, Islam tidak menghalang penggunaan kalimah Allah oleh pengikut agama Samawi, tetapi tindakan di atas melahirkan “high suspect” kerana ketiadaan konsistensi. Inilah yang menimbulkan masalah. Orang akan bertanya, “kenapa perlu guna nama Allah untuk terbitan berbahasa Melayu sahaja?”. “Apakah mereka ada hasrat yang tersembunyi”. Telahan-telahan manusia boleh menjadi liar diluar dugaan. Dan inilah yang sedang berlaku dalam polemik isu penggunaan kalimah Allah ini.

Pihak The Herald juga mesti menjernihkan telahan-telahan seperti ini. Mereka tidak boleh hanya menagih hak mereka tanpa mengambil tanggunjawab kesan-kesan yang dihasilkan oleh tindakan mereka.

Maka itu, jalan penyelesaian ialah dialog dan dakwah, bukan keganasan dan kebencian.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Divisive “Islamists”?


Islam was the main factor that unified various factions of Afghan mujahideens in their quest to oust Soviet occupation during more than a decade of Afghan war. Almost immediately after the retreat of Soviet army, the “Islamists” turned their weapons against each other. They became hopelessly divided and lacked coherence in managing their differences. Their government collapsed. The result is clear; Afghanistan is still a failed state to this day. The blood of the Mujahideens, looking from the worldly point of view, has gone in vain, in the hands of their own political leaders.


Islam adalah faktor utama yang menyatukan perbagai aliran dikalangan kumpulan Mujahidin Afghanistan di dalam perjuangan mereka menentang pendudukan Soviet selama lebih sepuluh tahun peperangan di Afghanistan. Sebaik sahaja tentera Soviet berundur, golongan pejuang Islam mula menggunakan senjata mereka untuk menjatuhkan satu sama lain. Mereka berpecah teruk dan tidak mampu menguruskan perbezaan mereka. Kerajaan Mujahidin akhirnya tumbang. Akibatnya sangat jelas dimana Afghanistan masih menjadi sebuah negara yang gagal serba serbi hingga ke hari ini. Dari perspektif duniawi, seolah-olahnya, darah para mujahidin hanya disia-siakan sahaja oleh pemimpin-pemimpin politik mereka sendiri.


In Somalia, the “Islamists” once created a political force to be reckoned under Islamic Court Union. They ruled Somalia, established order and presided over economic development, albeit briefly. Soon after, various factions took different political approaches. The differences quickly turned into hatred and enmity, resulting in “Islamists” firing their guns against each other. The political divides of the main factions are actually all dominated by the “Islamists” who at a time fought together, but they are now bitterly rivaling each other. Worse still, they are happily inflicting damages on each others.


Di Somalia, golongan Islam pernah menjadi kuasa politik yang berpengaruh di bawah kumpulan Islamic Court Union (ICU). Mereka berjaya mengembalikan keamanan dan meningkat aktiviti ekonomi dalam tempuh pemerintahan yang singkat. Selepas, kumpulan-kumpulan yang bernaung di bawah ICU mula mengambil pendekatan politik yang berbeza dan berbalah sesama sendiri. Perbalahan ini kemudiannya menjadi kebencian dan permusuhan, berakhir dengan golongan Islam menghalakan senjata mereka ke arah satu sama lain. Padahal pihak-pihak utama yang bertelagah dalam konflik politik Somalia sekarang didominasikan oleh golongan Islam yang pernah berjuang bersama tetapi sekarang mereka masing-masing berusaha keras menjatuhkan satu sama lain. Lebih menyedihkan mereka dilihat gembira memusnahkan satu sama lain.


In Iraq, the “Islamists” of various factions had blood on their hands. Those gruesome pictures of dilapidated bodies scattered on the ground lately are mostly the handiwork of the so-called “Islamists”.


Di Iraq, perbagai golongan Islam yang bertelagah banyak melakukan pembunuhan. Gambar-gambar ngeri dimana tubuh-tubuh yang berkecai bertaburan di atas tanah sejak kebelakangan ini dilihat sebagai hasil kerja kumpulan-kumpulan yang mengaku memperjuangankan Islam.


Each group considers itself as the true Islamist and any faction opposing - or even disagreeing with - them as the enemy of Islam. In the end of the equation, we will have as many “true Islamist” as the “enemy of Islam”.


Setiap kumpulan melihat diri mereka sebagai golongan yang memperjuangkan Islam yang sebenar dan pihak yang menentang mereka – malah juga yang tidak sependapat dengan mereka – sebagai musuh Islam. Akhirnya, golongan “Islam Sebenar” dan “musuh Islam” sama banyak kerana sebenarnya mereka adalah orang-orang  yang sama, tetapi dilihat dari perspektif yang berbeza.


The time has now arrived that an “Islamist” would call another “Islamist” from different factions as the “enemy of Islam”. The game of name calling has become more convenient to all who want to get into play. “They are liars… apostates… infidels… munafiqs… traitors… kaafirs!”, the shouting and the name calling matches continued with added intensity each time they surface in public. All are done in the name of defending Islam and pursuing the course of Islam. Various hadiths and Quranic verses were then quoted by each of them to justify their position.


Sekarang ini, “golongan Islam” akan memanggil “golongan Islam” dari aliran atau kelompok yang bertentangan sebagai “musuh Islam”. Masing-masing dengan mudah akan mencaci orang lain. “Mereka pembohong…murtad…syirik…munafik… pengkhianat… kafir!” apa saja cacian akan terus dihamburkan di hadapan umum. Semunya dibuat kononnya sebagai terpaksa demi mempertahankan Islam. Pelbagai hadith dan ayat Quran juga dipetik sewenangnya bagi mengukuhkann hujjah dan pandangan masing-masing.


Islam which is supposed to be the backbone of unity has been turned as the backbone of divisive elements in society – and even among the various groups of Islamists.


Islam yang seharusnya menjadi tulang belakang kesatuan di kalangan para  pendokong telah ditukarkan menjadi elemen yang memecahkan masyarakat – dan malah di kalangan pelbagai kelompok Islam sendiri.


Ideologically Islamists are aspirants grandeur. They must eventually rule the nation with the banner of Islam and accept nothing less than that. The Islamists want to rule the world on the maxim – iqaamatud diin wa siyasatud dunya bih. If they must engage in power sharing with non-Islamist, they must be made dominant and assume leadership. Even when they are in power sharing with other “Islamists”, each of these Islamist group would push for their dominance and supremacy upon others.


Secara ideologinya, golongan Islam adalah golongan beraspirasi agung serba hebat. Mereka mesti akhir menjadi kuasa pemerintah dengan berlandaskan Islam dan mereka tidak seharusnya berpuas hati selagi hasrat ini tidak tercapai. Golongan Islam mahu memerintah dunia di atas prinsip  – iqaamatud diin wa siyasatud dunya bih. Sekiranya mereka perlu berkongsi kuasa dengan golongan lain, mereka mestilah menjadi golongan dominan dan  memimpin. Malah sekiranya mereka berkongsi kuasa dengan kelompok-kelompok Islam yang pelbagai aliran sekalipun, setiap kelompok akan berkeras bahawa merekalah yang sepatutnya mendominasikan perkongsian tersebut.


There is nothing wrong in being aspirants grandeur as such, as long as we earn the prestige through legitimate and fair play means. In fact, we should strive with our best efforts to realize the dream in putting Islam in its deserved position. The problem is when our efforts, capability and performance don’t match with our aspiration, which sometimes makes us tend to employ coercion and deceitful attitudes to secure dominance over others.  This attitude could spell disaster. With this damaging attitudes, people start to wonder what would happen if the Islamists rule the world. Would the whole world become vindictive and bloody battle grounds among Islamist of different factions? If Afghanistan, Somalia, and Iraq experience are to be set as precedence, then Islamists as they are now, don’t bring much hope to the world.


Tidak ada salahnya menjadi golongan yang beraspirasi agung serba hebat sekiranya kita mencapai kehebatan itu melalui keadah yang diperakui sah, benar, dan adil. Malah sebenarnya kita wajib berusaha melakukan yang terbaik bagi meletakkan kedudukan Islam di tempatnya yang penuh kemuliaan. Masalahnya ialah apabila usaha, keupayaan, dan pencapaian kita tidak setanding dengan aspirasi kita, maka kita mula menggunakan kaedah paksaan dan tipu helah untuk mendominasikan kelompok kita ke atas yang lain. Sikap ini bakal mengundang kehancuran. Dengan sikap ini, masyarakat akan merasa curiga apa akan jadi sekiranya golongan Islam benar-benar memerintah dunia. Apakah dunia ini seluruhnya akan menjadi medan perang berdarah dan penuh kesumat di kalangan kelompok-kelompok golongan Islam bagi menguasai yang lain?Sekiranya keadaan di Afghanistan, Somalia, dan Iraq mahu dijadikan contoh, maka golongan Islam yang ada sekarang tidak membawa banyak harapan kepada dunia.


Some of us may have mistakenly interpret our association with Islamic movement. Some of us think, since Islam is great and we work for Islam, then we must be made supreme. I think we need to rotate this perspective. Since we work for Islam and Islam is great, we must match ourselves with the greatness of Islam in all respects. Is Islamists being divisive and vindictive reflecting the greatness of Islam? We have our ownselves to answer such question.


Di kalangan kita, mungkin ada yang tersilap menafsirkan penglibatan mereka dengan Gerakan Islam. Mereka fikir, Oleh kerana Islam itu agung dan mereka pula berjuang untuk Islam, maka mereka juga berhak dianggap tinggi dan mulia. Saya pula berfikir, perspektif ini perlu diubahsuai. Seharus kita melihat bahawa oleh kerana kita berjuang Islam, dan Islam itu hebat dan mulia, maka kita mesti menjadikan diri kita golongan yang hebat dan mulia dari semua sudut sepertimana agung dan mulianya Islam itu sendiri. Apakah perbalahan dan dendam kesumat di kalangan kelompok-kelompok golongan Islam yang pelbagai mencerminkan kehebatan dan kemulian Islam? Kita sendirilah yang perlu menjawab persoalan ini.


An eye for an eye could make the whole world blind! Islam being a compassionate religion should bring enough compassion to the hearts of the Islamists. How not to turn our differences into enmity and how not to mould suspicions into solid hatred are among the skill sets to be ingrained among Islamists, world over.


Pepatah Inggeris menyebut sekiranya setiap kekejaman dibalas dengan kekejaman, maka seluruh dunia akan musnah. Islam sebagai satu ajaran yang menganjurkan sikap kasihan belas seharusnya menyemai rasa kasih dan belas sesama golongan Islam. Bagaimana untuk tidak menjadikan perbezaan kita sebagai permusuhan dan bagaimana untuk tidak mengacu prasangka menjadi kebencian mengkal adalah diantara kemahiran yang perlu dipupuk di kalangan golongan Islam.


When a companion, Khatib ibn Abi Baltaah (RA), was found guilty in trying to leak secret information to his family in Makkah, some companions suggested that he should be killed for treason. Surely, there were enough facts, witnesses and hard evidence for this serious wrongdoing. In fact, there is Quranic verse that condemns this action. But, the Prophet (SAW) did not take a single or a few acts of guilt to be the sole basis for the Prophet’s judgment. There were times when compassion and understanding of circumstantial issues got the better of his judgment. He gave the benefits of doubt fully to the advantage of Khatib (RA) since he was among the committed and respected companions who fought all the battles with the Prophet (SAW) including the Battle of Badr.


Apabila seorang sahabat Nabi, Khatib ibn Abi Baltaah, didapati melakukan kesalahan kerana membocorkan rahsia misi penaklukan Makkah kepada keluarganya di Makkah, terdapat para sahabat yang mahu membunuhnya atas kesalahan pengkhianatan. Sememangnya ada bukti dan saksi yang jelas terhadap kesalahanyang dilakukan. Malah terdapat ayat Quran yang mengutuk perlakuan tersebut. Tetapi, Ar-Rasul (SAW) tidak menjadikan perlakuan terpencil ini sebagai satu-satunya asas untuk menjatuhkan hukuman. Adakalanya, perasaan belas dan kefahaman terhadap isu persekitaran yang berkaitan dijadikan pedoman di dalam membuat keputusan. Ar-Rasul(SAW) memberikan peluang yang berpihak kepada Khatib (RA) memandangkan beliau merupakan diantara para sahabat yang banyak pengorbanan dan turut serta berperang di dalam semua peperangan bersama Ar-Rasul (SAW) termasuk perang Badar.


It is too common that we Islamists draw conclusions and pass judgments on others without giving deep thought and understanding on the circumstantial issues. It is too common also that this callous attitude breeds division, hatred, and even enmity among us. Even when we are presented with facts and evidence, we must apply a more stringent control in drawing judgment and conclusion that could incriminate or tarnish the good name of others.


Seringkali golongan Islam membuat kesimpulan dan membuat penghukuman ke atas orang lain tanpa memikirkan secara mendalam terhadap kefahaman dalam isu-isu persekitaran yang berkaitan. Seringkali juga sikap cuai ini akhirnya membibitkan perpecahan, kebencian, dan malah permusuhan sesama kita. Walaupun mungkin kita dipersembahkan dengan beberapa fakta dan bukti, kita perlu juga membuat pertimbangan yang betul-betul teliti sebelum membuat keputusan atau kesimpulan yang boleh menjejaskan nama baik orang lain.


I remember Ustaz Hassan Shukri once told his experience in mediating disputes within PAS ranks. He said, “If a PAS man is in serious quarrel with another PAS man, the problem could only be resolved naturally, i.e.; when death comes to either or both.”


Saya teringat Ustaz Hassan Shukri pernah bercerita pengalamannya mendamaikan beberapa pertikaian di kalangan orang-orang PAS. Beliau berkata, “Kalau orang PAS gaduh dengan orang PAS, biasanya hanya boleh betul-betul selesai bila ajal menjemput salah sorang atau keduanya sekali.”


Of course, what Ustaz Hassan told us may not be representing all cases, but at least that was the prevalent perception through his long and arduous involvement in PAS organization. If this is true, then we must ask ourselves whether or not we actually live up to Islamic values in the way we interact with each others in our organization. Have we had not enough compassions, goodwill, forgiveness, grace, husnuz dzan, and loves among us? What has made us to be so unforgiving?


Apa yang disebutkan oleh Ustaz Hassan pastinya tidak mewakili semua kes dalaman PAS, tetapi sekurang-kurangnya itulah gambaran yang jelas yang diperolehinya dari pengalaman yang lama dan berliku sepanjang penglibatannya di dalam organisasi PAS. Kalau gambaran ini benar, kita perlu bertanya diri samada kita telah benar-benar menghayati nilai-nilai Islam di dalam menjalinkan hubungan kemanusiaan sesama kita di dalam organisasi. Apakah kita masih belum cukup rasa belas, ihsan, kemaafan, syukur, sangka baik, dan kecintaan di kalangan kita. Apa sebenarnya yang menyebabkan kita begitu keras hati?


PAS is reaching a stage it had never experienced before. It is now a component party of a larger coalition that governs several states. The political spectrum and equilibrium is becoming more sophisticated than ever before. Political decisions by top leadership are being bitterly contested, disputed and argued within and outside organization like never before. PAS is set to brace for a turbulence period in its political struggle. The stakes are of much bigger consequences. Thus, opinions would be presented in a much stronger and more determined tone and resentment to such opinions would also be done in a similar manner because of its perceived big consequences.


PAS sedang melalui satu tahap yang belum pernah dilalui sebelumnya. Ia sekarang merupakan satu komponen dari sabuah pakatan politik yang mentadbir beberapa negeri. Ruang dan pertimbang-taraan politik menjadi semakin rencam berbanding sebelumnya. Keputusan-keputusan politik yang dibuat oleh kepimpinan akan menjadikan semakin diperhatikan, diperdebatkan, dinilai dan juga dipertikaikan oleh bukan sahaja ahli-ahli, malah masyarakat umum juga. PAS akan berhadapan dengan suasana politik yang sentiasa tegang dan berkocak di dalam usaha melangsungkan perjuangannya. Kepentingan dan kesan sesuatu tindakan oleh PAS bakal memberi kesan yang lebih besar terhadap individu mahupun kelompok. Maka itu, individu dan kelompok terbabit akan memastikan pandangannya dan kepentingannya diberi perhatian sewajarnya oleh PAS melalui cara yang lebih kuat dan bersungguh-sungguh. Percanggahan terhadap sesuatu pandangan dan kepentingan juga akan dibuat dengan intensiti yang sama. Semuanya ini ialah kerana masing-masing merasakan keputusan PAS secara keseluruhannya akan menimbulkan kesan yang besar terhadap kepentingan dan aspirasi mereka.


Emotion could run high in between these arguments and disputes. It takes big hearts to concede loss peacefully when things finally being decided not to their favor. The less intelligent factions would turn their frustration into more violent protest within the organization and start to create factions and frictions. This small fire will eventually burst full blown before even the person who started it realizes. This was the similar kind of small fire that is now burning Afghanistan, Somalia, and Iraq.


Emosi mungkin tidak mampu dikawal ketika pertembungan dan percanggahan pandangan serta kepentingan ini dibincang dan diputuskan. Ia memerlukan jiwa yang besar untuk menerima kekalahan secara damai apabila keputusan akhirnya tidak menyebelahi mereka. Kelompok yang kurang bijak mungkin akan menterjemahkan kekecewaan mereka dengan cara yang tidak sepatutnya yang mana akhirnya wujud bibit perbalahan dan kelompok dalaman yang saling bertentangan. Api kecil ini sebenarnya amat bahaya jika tidak dikawal kerana ia akan boleh terus memusnahkan organisasi tanpa disedari dari awal oleh mereka yang memulakannya. Api jenis ini jugalah yang sedang membakar Afghanistan, Somalia, dan Iraq.


If PAS were to break apart, the rivaling factions from the party could turn political enmity to a new ugly shameful chapter. It will surely be much uglier than anything we ever saw. And all, unfortunately, would be done in the name of Islam.


Sekiranya PAS berpecah, kelompok-kelompok yang bertelagah boleh menjadikan pertelingkahan politik menjadi semakin buruk dan memalukan. Malah, ia mungkin jauh lebih buruk dari apa yang pernah kita lihat sebelum ini. Malangnya, sekiranya ini berlaku semuanya mendakwa ianya terpaksa dibuat atas nama perjuangan Islam.


Could it be that Ustaz Hassan is right that when this happens (may Allah forbid), the only way to resolve the issue would be when “death” comes to either or both factions.


Mungkinkah telahan Ustaz Hassan akan terbukti benar bahawa sekiranya perbalahan antara dua kelompok PAS ini berlaku (mohon Allah lindungi), hanya kedatangan “ajal” yang boleh menghentikannya.


Calling disputing and rivaling Islamists to return to Islamic teachings is certainly a bizarre thing to do. It is like offering a professional soccer player, who keeps missing his shoots, a lesson on basic ball-kicking skill. It just won’t do.


Mengajak golongan Islam yang bertelagah untuk kembali kepada Islam amat sukar dan pelik untuk dilakukan. Ianya semacam mahu mengajar pemain bola professional kemahiran asas menendang bola. Ia seperti mustahil untuk dilaksanakan.


What will do is for us to do what would keep us together and stronger, now. That will do!

Apa yang boleh dilaksanakan ialah dengan mengekalkan kebersamaan dan kekuatan kita sekarang. Ia boleh dijayakan!




Friday, October 09, 2009

The treason of corrupt minds



If I were a Palestinian, I will be as mad as mad could be. We have a very credible report called the Goldstone report incriminating Israel for a war crime and a crime against huminity during the Gaza offensive early this year in which more than a thousand died, majority of whom were civilians. The report was prepared by a committee assigned by the UN and led by a respected judge from South Africa which is of Jewish origin.


Last Friday, the UN Human Right Council was supposed to vote endorsing the report for further UN action after it was proposed by Qatar, representing all the Arab countries. The vote was eventually delayed by the request of none other than the Palestinian Authority (PA) itself. This request coming from PA stunned everyone.


It was later revealed that the PA requested the delay because Israel had threatened PA to reveal the content of recorded tapes which proved that the PA was in full complicity in the Israel’s Gaza offensive. A recorded teleconversation tells that a high ranking officer from Mahmoud Abbas’ office had encouraged Israelis to punish Gazans. The Secretary General of the PA President, Tayyib Abdul Rahim told Dov Weissglas, the Israeli Director of Chief of Staff Bureau, to start conquering Jabaliyya and Al-Shatea refugee camps which in his opinion “could finish off Hamas”. Even Weissglass initially hesitated with such recommendation citing the possible high casualties on the part of civilians. Tayyib Abdul Rahim was quoted as saying, "They have all elected Hamas, so they are the ones who have chosen their fate, not us."


Also, there was a video tape showing Mahmoud Abbas meeting Ehud Barak trying to persuade the Israeli to continue offensive in Gaza to “finish off Hamas”.


Hamas in an immediate response has called Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian citizenship be stripped off. This is in fact a very moderate response from Hamas. In many other countries, Mahmoud Abbas could have faced high treason charge which may end up putting him in gallows.





Earth quakes seldom kill. Buildings do most of the killings during earth quakes. Thousands people died in Padang, Indonesia after an earth quake last week. Last year, 80,000 perished when earth quake stroke in Sichuan, China.


We can’t stopped earth quakes. We can’t even predict when they would strike. But, certainly we could limit the damages to certain level.


The casualties could have been much lower had the buildings been constructed robust enough to stand an earth quake of that scale. I think, it should be made legally binding for building constructed in areas affected by earth quake to be able to stand earth quake of more than 8.5 in Richter scale.


Technology to replace and construct the existing buildings should be made viable and affordable enough for countries to take up extensive efforts to replace old buildings and construct new ones which can stand earth quake. If it necessitates us, for example, to statutorily limit the height of the bulding in certain areas, then do so.


Time is high for this kind of measures be taken by the UN to save more lives in the future. It is already predicted that if Istanbul is shaken by another big quake, hundreds of thousands could perished. Why should we just wait for such calamities to happen?




I believe, every citizen has the responsibility to uplift the standard of national politics from all political divides. Politics has failed us in many aspects of our lives. And yet, it is a sin to abandon politics in its filthy state. We must be determined enough to chart a permanent change of our nation’s political course.


Malaysian politics has suffered from insufficient integrity and honesty for already long time.


Voting for corrupt politicians is an act of treason against a nation. Any political party who dares to insult the nation by fielding corrupt candidates to run for offices must be punished mercilessly.


The great Ottoman Empire was brought down from prestigious power by her very own corrupt officers. Corrupt people take offices and appoint corruptible cohorts.  It won’t be long before these cohorts take control of everything and spoil the state’s apparatus too. There is no more a need to talk the eventuality when this happens. The writing is on the wall.


To all voters in Bagan Pinang. Please don’t give corruption a chance!

Thursday, September 03, 2009

A Commotion and Contemp


The “cow’s head” commotion in Shah Alam made it to World news, all for the wrong reasons. Some 50 people marched from the State Mosque after Friday prayer to protest the relocation of an old Hindu temple to their neighborhood in Section 23, Shah Alam. One could argue endlessly whether or not the relocation is proper, but the way the commotion took place was plain wrong. I could be very sure with that. It was not that the protest or the commotion itself that troubled me, but they way it was done, the writings on the banner, and the words uttered by the speakers.

Cows are animals considered “holy” by Hindus. Displaying a blood soaked cow’s head during the Hindu temple protest, regardless of any “after thought” stated reason, shows an utter contempt not only to Hindus, but also to Muslims. Islamic teachings require us to treat animal with respect. A good muslim doesn’t step and spit on cow’s head. The “cow’s head” commotion offends everyone who believes in good manner, regardless of faiths.

To err is human. Everyone makes mistakes, especially when emotion is running high, and so did the people who marched on that fateful day. So, I thought. Nonetheless, the obvious absence of apology from the people involved alarmed me further. There has been no admission of mistake, no apology, no remorse, and no repentance. They simply stand their ground for doing the wrong thing. Is this the new character of 1Malaysia?

When the Home Minister paid visit to the protesters and defended their actions, I felt deceived. The minister was the one who talk about “rules of law” when directed his barrage of insults to the anti-ISA protestors. Has he tossed the same “rules of law” into the drain? This is quite a high level hypocrisy.

We have gone to a new low in our moral standing as a nation. The people of our nation have, deliberately and unnecessarily, insulted others, and take pride for the wrong things done. Unless we quickly recalibrate our moral meter, the future of nation does not seem rosy enough.

There are times in our life when being silent means betrayal. This time is one, I believe. Let’s us vocally disown this contempt, categorically.

The EC decision to declare the Kedah’s Kota Seputeh State Assembly seat as not vacant is not unexpected. But, the reasons given for the decision raised many eyebrows. 

The State Constitution states that an assemblyman who failed to attend the sitting for two consecutives times without speaker’s acknowledgment would be disqualified. The Kota Seputeh assemblyman failed to attend the sittings consecutively on 19 April and 9 August, prompting the Speaker to send letter informing the vacancy of the seat to the EC.

The first reason given by the EC is that even though the assemblyman was absent in two sittings consecutively, the absence was not considered consecutive because the sittings belonged to different terms of the State Assembly session. Whatever that means. Evidently, the EC has stretched the interpretation of the Kedah State Constitution to a new limit, without consulting the Kedah State Legal Advisor.

The second reason given by the EC is that the assemblyman had obtain a sick certificate for the 9 April absentism, and the fact the sick certificate was not submitted to Speaker doesn’t make it invalid. This one is funny.

If the EC truly believes the first reason is a valid reason, would there be a need for EC to determine the validity of the MC? Similarly, if it has been clearly established that a robbery didn’t take place, would it be necessary to dwell on scrutinizing other issues and evidences with regards to the robbery. This is evidently fishy. The fact that the EC worked extra hard to justify the absence of the BN assemblyman only hurts its own credibility and impartiality.

Clearly, the EC has never been tasked to determine the validity of a sick certificate. No one expects EC to do that in the first place eventhough it was reported in the media that the said assemblyman was actually attending another function on the date he was absent from the sitting. He might have ordered the sick certificate via phone call.

The validity of the MC has never been an issue. His failure to inform the Speaker for not attending two state sittings consecutively spells clearly what kind of wakil rakyat he is.

I think we should honor the right and the might of our legislative body. The Speaker should be given the right to attend to the conduct of The House, and not the EC. There should be a clear line between the power of executive body and the legislative body. This “rojak” will create many more messes in the future.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Syariah, Integrity & Ramadhan.


It is high time for us to revisit the practice of syariah law in this country. It was like we are standing with our pants down when we’re told that after decades of introduction, albeit with all its narrowness and limitations, there has actually no proper facility to carry out sentences passed out by Syariah Courts. The laws in which certain offenses are punishable by canning were enacted long ago, and we are now facing the hard realities that, in actual, there has not even a proper canning tools and place provided by any institution to carry out the syariah court judgment.

Apparently, the judge did not pass the sentences on Kartika alone for consuming alcohol in public. The whole Muslim community, deservedly though, were like being canned in public with this debacle. We are, in fact, being passed a sentence for a bigger sin, ignoring syariah and turning the syariah system into a mere joke.
I did not know for sure why Kartika is keen enough to be canned in public. But the way I see it, it was like the judge passing a sentence against Kartika for her offense, and then, Kartika subsequently passed us, all Muslims in Malaysia, with a more embarrassing sentence for ignoring the syariah justice system.
One might think that all these while, our syariah courts were passing sentences all in the hopes that the guilty parties would pay monies for their offenses. If the person does not have moneys, then the religious authorities need to ask prison authorities to take the offender on their behalf. It may come a time when the prison authorities would scoff the religious officers for sending too many offenders for “free-ride” at our prisons. Prison departments belong to Federal Governments and Syariah Courts belongs to the respective States Governments. Would the federal authorities tolerate this arrangement had the syariah offenders occupy big portion of the prison spaces and budget, as compared to their civil offenders? Could this also be the reason why one couldn’t see enthusiasm in enforcing syariah laws by the religious authorities – as they worry for having more offenders than they could handle. 

If that is truly the case, then we were the ones who put syariah practice into a bad joke. And, no one is laughing.


Politics without integrity has a name – it is called “rogue”. When BN fielded a candidate which carried serious integrity baggage for Permatang Pasir by-election, one wonders what kind of politics is at place in the ruling party.

BN source defended that Rohaizat had ensured things were all in order about his background before nomination day, but he failed to be clearly up front with his own party leaders. Rohaizat was a convict, albeit not legally, for misappropriating client’s money during his legal practices, and subsequently being disbarred.

If BN leaders are paying enough attention to the issue of integrity, they should have given the by-election a walkover and apologize to the voters of Permatang Pasir. That would be the only right thing to do if they hadn’t had any opportunity to switch for a better candidate.

Firstly, Rohaizat knew he had dark past which he thought could be easily side-stepped by putting the blame squarely on his former partner. This line of thinking is only logical if his former partner is already dead and no one else could come for his defense. With the guy still living proudly on this earth, no living man would voluntarily take such unnecessary assault on his good name. This showed Rohaizat’s severe inability to make sound judgment. 

“Thank God, he did not make it to be a legislature” – this remark should come from the BN leaders, and not from the ordinary people on the street. Sadly, the reality was starkly opposite. BN leaders defended the candidate which had lied to them about his past. Then, we see clearly how BN leaders throwing “integrity” into a waste bin.

Secondly, the failure of BN leaders to act rightly wouldn’t help them improve in the future. Many BN aspirants who dream to be a candidate would think they need not be clearly up front with their own party leaders. The party would still be behind them at all cost if they are declared a candidate, no matter what. Be honest, party leaders can’t be good enough to make background check if the person is trying his best to conceal his past. Only public scrutiny will do better when it is already too late.

Had BN leaders disowned Rohaizat, announced walkover, and apologized to the voters - that would certainly save the little remaining good name of the party. And, more importantly, it would send clear signal to own party members that they should never put their dark baggage for a free ride on the party.


It is Ramadhan again. This blessed month is a bounty in itself. The true meaning of Ramadhan doesn’t come in that month, but it will appear through one’s change for the better after Ramadhan. It is just like an education. The value of education is not when we are at university, but when we truly apply the knowledge in the real world for the betterment of humanity. Let’s graduate from Ramadhan with flying colors, only to be tested upon proving our taqwa. Ramadhan Kareem!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Let democracy resolve our disputes

We must understand that democracy is more that just exercising one's right as a citizen at the general election. 

It is also about being an informed society so that the people can express their opinions and make decisions for themselves in a collective manner. 

It is about self determination.

When the ISA is disputed to the level that tens of thousands people took to the streets to express their anger, then the right to thing to do is to hold a national referendum on the issue. 

Let the people vote on the single issue of whether or not the ISA should be continued or abolished. 

It is not correct to conclude that since Barisan Nasional won the General Election, then the people in general agree with the ISA, or vice versa.

When the alcohol ban is being disputed, then the right way to handle the issue is by going to the people. Give the people the right to decide for their community. 

Since a blanket ban on alcohol would be a clear infringement to the rights of certain groups of people in society, then a 'local referendum' could be introduce to decide on this matter.

The state government may introduce a system of 'local referendum' to deal with contentious issues. We may shortlist what the issues are and then resolve it through 'local referendums'. 

The restriction of beer sales and its consumption in public could well be one of these 'disputes" that could be put to a 'local referendum'. 

In fact, other issues like 'smoking' or 'noise pollution' could also be dealt with in such manner.

The gazzetted election constituents boundary system as produced by Election Commission can be used as a basis for this 'local referendum' since the boundary is well defined and the electoral list for each contituency is also easily identified. 

Using the local constituency electoral roll, the residents may apply to resolve high contentious disputes to be decided through 'local referendum' by registerred voters in the constituency.

The guidelines and procedures could be easily sorted out by the relevant authorities since the mechanism is readily in place. 

In fact, it could also be proposed that the cost for holding a 'local referendum' be absorbed by the disputing parties.